Monday, August 23, 2010

These are the Days of Our Lives Day 9

Today sucked! I'm sorry God and readers, but making my own weather didn't work today. I was frustrated, distant, and just not happy. I got some things accomplished, but I had to fight through the excuses of others. You ever feel like you bend so much for others that you'll never stand up straight? That was me today and only Andy (a.k.a Anne Hathaway) could understand my life.

To top it all off, something that I thought I could live without I felt today that I couldn't and although that should have scared me and I should have instantly rebuked satan, I didn't. Instead, I basically shrug my shoulders when I think about it. I don't know. This adult stuff is hard.

As hard as it was, I found some things to be grateful for:
  • Clean hair
  • The end is near on a project
  • Leftovers
I'll try harder tomorrow. I promise!


  1. The pressure is off. I think you have done well thus far. Life is hard. Christ even said so, "In this world you will have trials." Being thankful doesn't mean being immune to pain, frustration, or struggle. It just means that in the midst of those less desirable things that you are able to recognize the good things in your life. God understands and so de we (your readers). Take a load off and be thankful for a new day to start all over again.
