Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rest Up Day 4

Today was long and kind of hard. Just when you think you've crossed all of your tee's on something, you missed something. That's what work felt like today. Like I was a day late for the prom or something. The good news is that thanks to my 'Be Grateful' homework assignment I'm determined to power through. Although I still cuss inside my head when times get tough and I feel stressed, when I power through, like today, the cuss fades away and I begin to think thoughts of productivity and common sense. The common sense being that if you think of a problem as a problem it will be a problem. I teach in one of my classes that you should see problems as an opportunity, a good opportunity, to change something. Today, as painful as it was, I changed my attitude. I prayed to God for the strength to make it through the difficult task that I have to finish up tomorrow and for the wisdom needed for it.

At church tonight, Bishop reminded me that when you are being who God wants you to be, He will equip you. If it's too hard or you're getting too frustrated, then it's not your call to do that particular task. The most frustrating thing about my task at work today is the deadline, which is Friday. Because of competing tasks, I waited until this week to start something that I would have started at least day two of a 3 week deadline. So not only I am confused on the assignment, I'm kicking myself at the same time for waiting so long. But when I realized that God equipped me to work on this task, it helped me to make the most of my time left and the task. I still have some things to complete on it, but I know I can complete them and that helps.

Today, grateful looks like this:
  • Family
  • My intelligence
  • Starbucks
  • Good neighbors
  • Buffalo chicken
  • B.o.B. CD (really great, especially when you're working late and need a good beat in your head)
  • Sonoma Pear candles (they just smell so good)
  • Evidence that my workouts are working because I can barely move anything.
Have a good evening and make sure you help control the pet population.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Problems/stress only get as big as we make them! Hope you finish your task! God Bless!
