Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dirty Work Day 14

Hi readers! I'm still under the weather, but the good news is my ears don't need to be popped anymore. I can hear perfectly (unless I blow my nose too hard then I have to wait a few minutes). But today was a good day. I saw two friends live their dream and sell their original art at an art festival. I caught up with a couple of friends and relatives via phone. I may get the bookshelf that I want at a reasonable price by my birthday. My first time using Craig's List and it may be my best friend if this works out.

I called this blog entry dirty work because today I had to deliver some bad news. Last Friday, I blogged about a promising date that I went on. But today, I told the dude that it wouldn't work. Mostly because of a major fact that he left out about himself that I found out during that promising date. The truth is that I'd been so busy this week that I had no time to think about him or the fact that I would have to tell him this isn't going to work. And actually, I didn't feel many sparks. When I blogged last week, I think was just on the high of having a nice night with nice people. And the fact that on dates, I rock! I'm smart, charming, and since I have a journalism background, I basically listen more than I talk and put Barbara Walters to shame as I find out loads of details about my dates. Next week I'll be 30 and sadly, I haven't gotten into a good romantic relationship like I hoped.

This two week experience with this dude taught me a few things. Number one, you can't fake chemistry with someone. It's either there or it isn't. And I've been out with people that I felt chemistry with, so once you know the real thing, you don't want imitation. Second, if you're lying about one thing, there has to be other things. I think in this case dude was lying to himself for so long, he believed what he tried to make me believe. The last thing this taught me is that I am getting better in terms of making clean breaks with people. I used to try and make bad relationships work, but not anymore. I'm learning to love myself more and in relationships, it means not staying if I don't feel comfortable. I don't want to enter my 30s the way I was in the 20s relationship wise. I just have to believe in what I can't see, which is that God has someone special for me.

My grateful list:
  • Hearing
  • My friend's living their dreams
  • Talking to my friends today
  • School in two days
  • Pizza
Good night and you better wake up for church tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. For every woman ( or person rather ) who tries there are 10 who quit, give up, and resign themselves to being alone for the rest of their lives. The challenge lies only in us stepping out on faith... regardless.

    Good for you...

    Now get out there and do it again...
