Saturday, August 21, 2010

Getting Real Day 6 (Sort of)

I'm sorry this entry is so late. Although I know you know how to read a clock, we are going to count this entry as Day 6-Friday instead early Saturday morning like it really is. I had a rushed day at work today, but it was productive and informative. This evening I had a double date. Yes, I went on a date! It's is just as weird to type as it is for you to read. And...I had a great time! I laughed really hard, I learned a lot, and I got real probably too real according to dating books, but I'm sure it was received well. The nice part was the people I was with were real back so it wasn't just me brain farting out loud all night. Overall, it was a great evening and I wouldn't mind being in the company of this particular gentleman without the adult supervision of our mutual friends.

It's been a long day, so here is my grateful list:
  • Being a heart with ears to someone who seriously needed to vent.
  • A great double date
  • Laughter (I think this might be on my list everyday)
  • Discernment
  • Pep talks
  • Moving on.
Have a good one!

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