Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seasons Change

It's funny how it can be 72 degrees one day and then in the 50s a couple days later. Actually, it's not funny. It's just cold. I painted my toenails just two days ago only for them to know be covered by socks and tights. Yes, the seasons have changed and it seems like you don't have much time to get used to it. Along with the weather, I also thought about my own life in terms of the seasons. Different seasons in our lives require us to be changed and different people. Your life shouldn't look the same year after year. That's not to say you can't have some of the same foundations year after year. For instance, I've work for the same company for a few years now, but no two years at the company mirror each other. I'm learning and growing a little each year because of the change in projects and company initiatives.

Although certain things have stayed the same, I have changed since this time last year.
Around the time in September 2008, I:
  • Was an active aspiring songwriter, writing songs almost weekly and had 15 songs with a copyright.
  • Had a strong passion for my job every day I was there
  • Had a short hair cut
  • Had never cooked anything from scratch
  • Had burgundy colored finger and toe nails
  • Had a major crush on a guy and acted like a shy girl in high school about it.
Fast forward a year later to now. In September 2009, I:
  • am praying that I won a national writing contest I entered in May
  • Still like my job, but desire the passion back for it
  • Have longer hair
  • Have hot pink toe nails
  • Don't have the crush anymore - instead have good friendship that probably allows me to be more myself than trying to be someone's girlfriend
  • am almost done reading the bible
  • am a blogger!
Every season is different in its own way. The reasons for the differences in seasons could be an increase/decrease in maturity, shift in priorities, or simply you were bored and wanted to do something else. I'm not sure if every change I've been through is of God. God may have liked my hair shorter or prefer me to keep writing songs although I feel I have nothing to write about. Most of my songs were about a new love and the optimism that brings because I thought I was in a season where I would experience a new love. Please don't misunderstand. I still want to write songs and sell the ones that I have, but I don't feel the need to make that my focus right now. In this season, I feel the need to share my experiences with my faith because I know there are others out there that may be confused about their Christian walk because well, it gets confusing!

The seasons changing outside should make you reflect on the past year and the changes you may have experienced. How has God blessed you? How has God challenged? How has God let you down? You can ask those questions. I do all the time. The important thing is to honest when answering those questions, which means possibly admitting fault and giving God an apology. Although the winter season to come makes it harder and less leisurely to drive, I don't mind the seasons changing. God states in numerous places in the bible about his ability to change the weather. I'll be honest. Sometimes I would skim some of those passages because they were boring to me, but now I see the bigger picture in them. If God can change the weather an instant, then he can change me in the same manner. I just have to be open and not afraid of a change in climate.


  1. It sounds like a lot has changed for you since last year. I wonder what changes your September 2010 column will list.

    Keep me updated on your writing contest.

  2. Hm...was it the Nicholls fellowship for screenwriting?

  3. I feel a change coming soon myself. I will embrace it. Who knows? I could have been called for such a time as this. You too Jennie! Thanks again for your honest sharing.

  4. Wow, this was powerful. For me as I embark on the age of 40 I call this the "reinvent me" phase. After losing my job, I refused to be depressed and look at it as such a travesty. Instead I told everyone this is God's way of allowing me to slow and smell the roses. For women I think we try to wear so many hats when taking care of our homes that we neglect our spiritual growth and development. Although less income is an adjustment, the time has allowed me to reevaluate my career goals and think of what I am passionate about as opposed to just having a job. Yes, I agree the change of seasons is not just for nature but we need to "reinvent" ourselves as the seasons change on every level of our lives.

  5. God and change are the only things that are constant and that in itself is a blessing.

    Nice relativity!
