Sunday, September 20, 2009

Let's Begin...

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing most days. I feel like I've been faking it most of the time. The 'it' being my Christianity. I know that I have several Christian accomplishments I could be proud of, but I still don't feel as close to God as others and that scares me. Some days I don't even know what 'close to God' looks like. But I'm trying. The key is trying. Church people tend to not write you off as fast if you're trying. So church people or busy bodies, if you would admit it about yourselves, I'm trying. I know you're probably wondering if this blog is about my journey through and with my spirit, where's the cleavage come in? And no, this is not so undercover porn site if you're wondering. There will be no nuns taking it off on this site! The cleavage is my cleavage. My bra's are the host to decent sized breasts. My breasts used to be the party favors in what I called my dating life. But now, thanks to my relationship with Jesus, they are now only caressed by the bras that holds them and the wash cloths that bathe them...yeah, thanks Jesus. The cleavage part represents the side of me that wants to drink, smoke, swear, and have parties with only two attendees, myself and a gentleman caller. The cleavage represents every single and sexy Christian woman out there that is forced to think with her brain instead of her lust and natural instinct on a Saturday night. The cleavage portraits those urges to just be free, even though you've read the book of Romans and felt like you were reading you're life story. Christian Cleavage is my blog and well, it is my life. I hope you'll read this blog again and stay with me and also comment on it as well. Thanks for reading this much and I hope to see you tomorrow.


  1. Wow, Jennie that's amazing. It's like your honesty summed up everything I was realizing today after my pastor (Pastor Vernon) preached a sermon about getting in the game and such.

    Anyway, God used it to remind me to tell my story and to be honest and to not "front" like a lot of other Christians I meet at church.

    When you get close enough to them, they will admit all their faults and foibles.

    And I don't want to be one of those fronting people -- just real and raw and honest in my writing and all the crap God has taken out of me -- and the stuff I still fight to let go of.

    Wow. This is good.

    That's the only kind of stuff that will draw people who can smell the truth from a mile away.

    I'm subscribing to your blog after I post this comment so I can read your stuff.


  2. This is a great start. I look forward to your next entry!

  3. This is excellent. The candor reveals a refreshing sense of self that causes one to take a personal authenticity check. I like that it is transparent without being exhibitionistic. Beyond that, the literary clarity is appealing and enjoyable. If I can just figure out how to use this subscribe button I'll stay tuned.

  4. Well said.......Everyone is waiting for me to comment on the " cleavage ", huh ? LOL....But this was a nice and honest piece to read.

  5. Jennie,

    This is awesome. I really enjoyed reading your posts. Very authentic!!! I will definitely be checking back for more of your writings! Keep up the fantastic work that God is leading you to do!

    Thanks also for keeping it real:-)

    I love the "breast as party favors" comment! Classic!!

  6. Hey Jennie! This first post was excellent! Reading it reminds me of how I felt after the first few blogs I wrote. You really let it go and the ironic thing is this is just the tip of the iceberg for you! Congratulations on starting it! You really have good expression and a strong voice. Just a suggestion and it's all in love and to help ya out, tighten up the spelling and grammar. This is a great start!

  7. Jennie,
    You Go Girl! I believe you gave the devil a black eye. I am so happy to see the transformation in your life. Keep up the good work.

  8. Good post Jennay! It's hard for men too. I wish you support and encouragement :-).
