Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Lack of a Shopping Gene

Let me break the one stereotype that not a lot of people are willing to talk about. In fact, I may get into the Guinness Book of World Records for this one. Hope you're sitting down. I hate shopping!!! Yes, I'm Christian and I hate something - put your issue with that in my Comments section! I don't like shopping specifically for clothes. Food and books I can make it without feel the walls are caving in on me. Today, I had to go clothes shopping. I desperately need new shoes. Shoes that I can wear to work and feel comfortable in, but also wear to church and other places. Since I don't like to shop, I want EVERYTHING that I buy to be multi-purpose.

Another reason I hate shopping is because it makes me miss home. My mom and I did almost everything together. On a day like today, we would either be shopping or laying around the house watching Lifetime or reality TV marathons. When shopping, I miss my big sisters too. They just know how to put things together. They take the time and read magazines and online articles and absorb what's hot and not. Even my 13-year old niece could teach me a thing or two. My two-year old niece has a pair of Uggs and starting wearing them weeks ago as if she lived in California and they were cool all year round. And you know what? On her, they were cool and she knows this at a young age. So if something in my family skipped a generation or a child, I was definitely me with the shopping gene.

I went out today in the rainy weather and attempted to shop. Although I came home with some things, it wasn't without a struggle. Does this look good on me? Will people at work think I'm fashion forward or backwards Betsy? I felt the worst anxiety today. I could have broken out in hives. How did I deal with the anxiety? Thanks to technology, I could bring my family with me. I took a picture of the shoes that I wanted to buy and sent it to them. My sister text me back before I left the store and told me they were a yes. I already wanted to buy them, but again, I haven't picked up a fashion magazine since my last hair appointment and that was all summer stuff so her input was appreciated. Thank God I got through the day and actually bought an entire outfit at a reasonable least it's reasonable to me because since I don't shop and didn't want to be there, I would have paid anything to get out of that store! You can see the shoes for yourself at the end of this entry.

I hope you all are having a good weekend and getting your rest because Monday will be here before you know. I also hope that you will go to church tomorrow and get your praise on. If you don't have anything to praise about, then praise God that I got through my horrific experience today and also that I find another pair of shoes this time in brown. God bless and good night!


  1. I actually have a cute motto. Friends don't let friends shop alone. Shopping is definitely a love it or hate it sport. I am glad you made it through unscathed.

  2. I hate shopping too but I've tried to change my attitude about it because dressing up is becoming more of a priority to me now. I have the same feelings/thoughts when I go clothes shopping. It is an agony, even with someone depending on who that person is or rather how much they love to shop! I remember as a kid, every time I would go with my family to the mall, I would either head straight to the arcade or to Waldenbooks or BDalton and just read or play video games the whole time.
    But anyway, now I have the mind state that it is only as difficult as I let/make it. Plus, now, I'm separating/collecting my old clothes to give to someone or a non-profit to add a little positivity to shopping. Believe it or not, I actually grow out of stuff still.

  3. There are females who dont like to shop ? learn something new everyday ! LOL

    but, it's not a bad thing. I like to shop , I just dont do it alot. I usually tend to get the necessities only and sometimes stock up on some things for the future. You should hear my friends complain about the TVs I bought.... LOL.
    I got a HUGE Sony HDTV i bought and it's still in the box.
