Thursday, September 24, 2009

Concentration, Are You Ready?

At the beginning of the month, I was having trouble concentrating on things I needed to do. I thought something was seriously wrong with me. Last night I remembered the childhood hand-game, Concentration. In this game, you clap your hands, pat them on your lap and also snaps your fingers as you tried to name as many things related to the chosen topic as possible. Topics could be colors, foods, cities, etc. I also remembered how anyone could easily lose the game. Hesitating was the one thing in the game you didn't want to do because if you didn't answer in time, your opponents would surely cheer in your face and make you feel bad about it at the same time.

In my life, I'm guilty of hesitating. I hesitate by not calling people and not realizing that life is short and you never know the last time you will be able to talk to someone. I hesitate at work sometimes by not speaking up in meetings because my idea might not sound as smart as my co-workers. The one area of my life I am trying not to hesitate is when it is time to go to God. When trouble comes, it is easy for me to go to God last because the support system around me and technology today. I can send a quick text to my sisters and friends and ask them for prayer and support. I started to do that a few weeks ago and then it hit me. Jennie, why don't you just go to God and pray? That was my duh moment of the day. Let's just eliminate the middle man and go to him myself. I'm not saying that you can't share with friends and family. I just want to challenge you to stop hesitating and go to God for yourself.

When you don't feel God's love or you can't find him, don't hesitate. Concentrate on his love for you and pray to him. When your world seems like it's falling apart, don't hesitate with your prayers, your offerings, or your worship. Concentrate on the fact that this is a temporary set-back and God gives people do-overs all the time. God wants you to live a life that is blessed beyond measure and he wants to be your option in all situations. The best thing about God is even you hesitate, he still wants to be there for you.

I realize that everything that I am telling you is easier said than done, so you don't have to put that in my Comments section. Let me share something with you. God put this blog on my heart around July/August and I did what I usually do. I went to the library and got books about blogging for research. I even put a post on my Facebook asking others for opinions and help. Well, I didn't read any of the books and I didn't follow up with anyone who offered to help. I hesitated. I wanted things to be perfect and to have all the elements like a logo and a design in place before I did it. But on Sunday night, I decided to revise my version of perfect for this blog and just start it. I didn't even proofread the first entry and still haven't and probably won't. My point is the second time this blog touched my heart I didn't hesitate and I don't regret it. In the game of Concentration, hesitation can cause you to lose. In my adventure of finding God and growing closer to him, I'm learning the same thing. Believe me. Looking foolish after losing a game to a friend is nothing compared to losing out on a blessing from God!


  1. Hey, Jennie!

    I am the hestitation Queen. It was very poignant recently with Monica's death. The day that she died, Monica came across my mind early in the day, and I thougt I would call her later. Later never came. I appreciate your candor. I am so proud how much you have grown in the Lord. Kudos to you and God!

  2. I had the same feeling with my website a couple years ago and a lot of my ideas and stories and other miscellaneous projects but if we wait for things to be perfect; we will be waiting forever. I care about everything I invest in but I should put more trust in God that He will take care of my interests, especially when I genuinely put Him first!
    Thanks for starting this blog! There are more ideas I've been wanting to implement but I really have had a lack of time. My occupational life is crazy right now! I asked for it and God has blessed me with it so I just need to man up and step up to the plate. Maybe I'll take at least a few minutes this weekend and get one of them started.
    Would you mind if I posted your link on my website?
