Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sick and Shut In

Hi all. Long time, no blogging. This week took a strange turn of events. On Wednesday, I started to feel extremely tired and by Friday, my nose began to run. Folks, Christian Cleavage is sick. I'm not sure if it is just sinuses or cold. I know it's not a flu. I think the change of weather and the rest I didn't get last weekend finally got to me.

So today, I stayed home from church and rested. I text messaged one of my friends and told her to put my name on the sick and shut in list at church. For those unfamiliar with the concept, some churches post in the bulletin a list of people that are sick, usually of things like cancer and other long term illnesses, and shut in, meaning in the hospital or in a nursing home. Well, I'm not that sick and I am not trying to make fun of people that are with my post title. However, I was sick today and I have been shut in to my home all day.

A few weeks ago I posted an entry called It's OK to be Tired. Today, I was at ease and OK with staying home from church. I knew I was tired and also not feeling 100%. Yes, I missed the fellowship with my friends. And yes, it would have been nice to hear the choir sing. But let me tel you. Being unconscious with my face buried in my pillow felt good too. Not 'I could do this every Sunday' good, but good just the same. I enjoyed my time at home today. I wish I would have gotten more accomplished, but I know the rest will benefit me in the long run.

A few years ago I was sick for about a month and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. My mom told me that maybe God made me sick because it was his way of slowing me down. Even since she told me that, I can't help, but think that may be the case whenever I get sick. I usually got sick when I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off, so God trying to slow me down via illness maybe the only way that I will do it.

The reason I am posting this is because I want you, like me , to learn what you're limits are and to make sure that you stop and rest when you realize you hit them. I have several deadlines at work right now and also in my personal life several projects I want to do. But I have to make sure that I take care of me first because if I don't, nothing will be accomplished in the manner that it should be.

I pray that all of you have a blessed and productive week. Keep in mind what I said and make sure you get your rest and relaxation because God has to give it to you (along with Kleenex and the best drugs Walgreen's has to offer)!


  1. I don't think God "makes us sick" to slow us down, but I do think he can make good come out of anything, including illness.

  2. I somewhat have to agree with ltrain. I do not think He "makes us sick" but at the same time I'm not gonna act like I know everything God does. He moves in mysterious ways. He will test us but not tempt us. He will love us more than we'll love ourselves. And so on...
    There are always lessons to be learned in anything that goes on in life.
    I do not believe God made me get in a car accident. However, what I took from that experience was that I needed to slow down a little and take better care of myself.
    I'll just say if you're sick, you're sick. However, we should not wait until sickness to pray for health just as we should not wait for blessings to praise God. We should give him the praise all the time. Life is random and often unfair. God can even things out for us if we let Him. My two cents. God bless you and hope you get better.

  3. I hope you're feeling better soon and are back up at 'em -- I think about the woman who wrote "Simple Abundance" when she was on bed rest and sick.

    Something great came out of it.

  4. Hi, Jennie! I wanted to let you know that I read this blog. Believe it not there are two sides to the argument about sickness. I have also heard that God could use sickness to get our attention. The other thing is that God can bring good out of any situation. For example, I got burned at work yesterday, and had to go to the Emergency Room. It hurt like heck all night, but by the morning I was feeling 100%, except for the blisters and the fierce looking burn. I feel well enough to go back to work Saturday, but the doctor did not want to risk it. So, I have the whole weekend off to work on some things and get ready for next week. I actually experienced God working good through a bad situation. I have to tell you that it could have been a lot worst, and my cell phone does not work as well. I hope that my job will cover the replacement cost, which it should. I want you know that I understand where you are coming from. Thanks again for encouraging us to rest. That is very important.
