Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Thought It Was Just Me Wednesday - Guilt-Free Boundaries

Keeping with this week's guilt-free theme, I want to highlight a scripture that I agree with in terms of why this action might have taken place. I'm taking this scripture from a New Living Translation bible.

Exodus 24:2 - Only Moses is allowed to come near to the Lord. The others must not come near, and none of the other people are allowed to climb up the mountain with him.
In February, I began a 13-week course at church called Healthy Boundaries. During the first class, one woman asked if God had boundaries. One of the instructors said yes and that they would tell references of boundaries in the next class. Well, later that week, I read this scripture and it was like 'jackpot' in regards to the question asked in class. The next day I emailed the class teacher about the scripture so she could share it during the next time. I honestly still can't believe God's timing on that one! I mean we were just talking about God's possible boundaries and there it was in print for all to see.

I could see God being like a Customer Service Manager and telling the others, "What part of 'only Moses' didn't you understand?" Readers, please get this. God had boundaries! I know when I read this, it was a wake-up call for me because if God has to have boundaries, then why do I think I'm so special and don't need any! Well, I'm not and I do!

When I reviewed this scripture again for this blog entry, I now see it from two different angles. The first angle is that it reveals to me that you can't take everyone with you in your life. The purpose of your Christ walk is to be more like God and in this, your flesh should die daily. Meaning, you shouldn't be the same person before that you were after you were saved. Unfortunately, you are going outgrow some habits (which I discuss further in the Safe Environments post) and people. Not everyone is going to take this journey with you. In fact, people will make fun of you and call you crazy and unrealistic. In fact, while you're praying to God about giving you the strength to let them go, they may turn it around and drop you as a friend or relative instead! The more you grow, the more you'll realize it will only be for your good when this occurs. However, I know from experience it still hurts just the same.

The second angle I see in this scripture is you can let everyone know your business. This is hard for me because I want to tell all, all the time. Unfortunately, it took some heart breaking things and some friendships broken to occur for me to see that I need to quit sharing so much with others. You can't tell everyone everything, especially when it comes to your call/purpose and what God has told you about it. As I mentioned above, people are not always going to understand your purpose for doing anything that you're doing. People are usually unkind when you share certain things because:
  • they can't handle it
  • it's easier for some people to hate on you than to congratulate or support you
  • they may steal your idea or concept and cheat you out of your promise
  • they may have ulterior motives for wanting to know your business, like wanting to use it to gossip later
  • they might have the 'why not me' mentality

It is Okay not answer someone's question about your life. Just say, 'I'd rather not say' or 'it's personal'. If someone has a problem with those statements, then obviously the relationship is not as deep as it seems because a true friend/relative should respect your privacy.

This scripture reappeared in my life because of things I am currently facing. For example, this blog. I have so many ideas for my blog and I know that God wants me to keep them to myself because of some of the reasons mentioned above. God wants me to pray about these ideas rather than tell them to inapproriate people because I cannot get my ideas accomplished in my own power. I already know a few people God is leading me to for assistance and I just hope more names come soon!!!

For both of the angles I mentioned in this post, the only words of wisdom I can give is pray hard and ask for discernment on people in your life and often. This scripture freed me so much because it made me feel validated for not sharing certain things with others. Moses was allowed to access God in the way that he could for a specific purpose and reason. God later told of the consequences of anyone who broke this boundary, which is another part of setting boundaries. Readers, not only do you have to communicate your boundaries with others, but you have to make your intentions clear when people cross the line. There needs to be consequences because you are special and worthy of being treated fairly and with respect.
Please share your thoughts on this scripture. As always, thanks for reading.


  1. You are learning well grasshopper, lol!
    Content like this always make me reflect on the old saying, "there is a time and place for everything". I probably struggle with this the most in my life in general. I do not know why it is the hardest thing for me to grasp because when I let God lead me, my timing is spot-on 100% of the time! When I go on my own understanding, it is very hit-or-miss, 50/50. Why would I not go with a sure thing? (Rhetorical ?, do not answer ;-))
    This also hit home to one of my alter-egos, Mr. Community aka Captain, lol, he is recognizing that he cannot take everyone with him or even save everyone in his Christian walk. It is evident and observable in the changes in his life and in the life of his old friends, new friends, and "associates". Keep me in your prayers that God will continue to give me discernment on who I should roll with.

  2. Thanks again for sharing. As always you have given me food for thought. That is so true about being discerning. I have learned that there are certain things that you cannot share with others. Furthermore, there are things that still need to ripen in out lives before they can be made known.

  3. I think having or not having boundaries is a maturity issue. It's one I'm working on!
