Monday, October 5, 2009

Give Your Heart Something To Do

There are dozens of thoughts that occupy our mind on a daily basis. What I am going to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? How am I going to pay this bill? Did I remember to turn the curling iron off/stove/oven/iron/etc.? I can stand so-and-so and I wish they would go away. I'm never going to find a suitable mate!

If these thoughts are in your mind, what do you think is happening to your heart? Your heart and your mind go together like a pen and paper. If your mind is confused and not clear, then your heart is going to have the same emotions attached to it and that is not good. It's important to have a healthy heart. We all know that you can maintain a healthy heart with exercise and eating foods like Honey Nut Cheerios (at least that's what the box says). However, you can control how your heart works by the feelings that you store in it. Regular circumstances of life like the ones I mentioned in my questions above can easily make you discouraged. That's why you have to give yourself and your heart other things to focus on and otherwise do.

Here are some suggestions:
  • Join a new ministry or organization
  • Doing something athletic (basketball, running, fishing, football, etc.)
  • Home projects like painting a room, building furniture, repairing something
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Painting
  • Scrapbooking
  • Starting a blog :^)
The itinerary life provides for you is not always going to be in your liking. Life's itinerary may be based on paying bills, raising children, caring for a parent or loved one, the lose of a job, going without _____ (you can fill in your own blank - mine would be a romantic relationship and having nearby relatives), etc. The parts of your itinerary that you can control is up to you. The point is to fill your life up with things that will give your heart something to do and feel other than bitterness and sadness.

One of my new favorite scriptures is Psalm 33:15 - "The Lord made our hearts, so he understands everything they do." It was comforting for me to read this because I know my heart makes stupid decisions sometimes. Decisions to be jealous or hate on friends and family. Decisions not to forgive and let the past be the past. Decisions to let the wrong people in and turn the right people away. Decisions to feel discourage and hopeless every passing year of my singleness. Ultimately, sometimes my heart doesn't have the sense God gave it. However, that's where faith has to come in. I have to tell myself often that God made a great big world for me to enjoy and there is more to life than the negative that I feel. There are good things and amazing adventures that I just need to be open to. When I remember this, I make the decision to give my heart, my mind, and my life something else to do. What else can you do with your life right now? What is your heart focusing on that it shouldn't? What gives your heart peace? I hope you can take time to answer those questions and once you discover it, go off and do whatever it is that can make your heart beat the way God intended it. I hope everyone has a blessed week and make sure you keep occupying your Internet's heart (Bookmarks/Favorites section) with my blog! :^)


  1. Jennie, your topics are such good thinking topics. Often I found myself thinking, "hey she's right." So thinks for put out the writing that causes to stop and think. Have a great night.

  2. Thank you for sharing Psalm 33:15---I don't remember that particular scripture but it's extremely comforting.
