Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Thought It Was Just Me Wednesday - Life's Events

Hi all. I wasn't going to post anything today because truthfully, I'm not in the mood. Thankfully, a friend of mine sent me an email and mentioned at the end of it that he couldn't wait to read I Thought It Was Just Me Wednesday. So you can all thank Lorans for this post. I also thought about how you're not always in the mood to do what God wants you to do. In fact, most of the time I think God is trippin out because some of my callings I never would have guess. Like this blog for instance! But I did have a scripture I picked out over the weekend for today, so here it is.

Proverbs 19:21 - You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.

I will admit that I don't always like the outcome of this scripture (God's plan), but it's right. You can have all of the best laid plans in the world, but God's plan for your life overrules. Now, you can make your own decisions about your life. You do have freedom of choice. In fact, Joyce Meyers said last week, "You have the deciding vote in your life." However, once you've cast that vote, God can still take that decision and change the course that you thought you were on.

When I was a little girl, I told my family and some of my friends that I wanted to live in California. I'd never been there and still haven't, but I knew California was were I wanted to live based on the constant sunshine and other things I saw on TV. I wanted to be an actress and knew that California was where the movies are made. As a child, I didn't know anything about goal setting or making long-term plans, but I knew I wanted to live in California. I also thought about going to college there in my pre-teens. However, that changed. For one, I found out in my teens how expensive it was to live there. Also as a child, I didn't know anything about
'out-of-state tuition' and how much even a Community College would be out there. I also didn't have any family there that I could possibly live with or just assist me when I would move out there. Currently, I live in Ohio, so no, for those who don't know me, I didn't make it to California.

The reason I'm remembering this is because a friend asked me on Tuesday where I would want to live if I could pick anywhere. My first answer is the same as it was when I was seven, California. Folks, even with all of the world's facts and God's power, I know California is still an option for me. Unless it shuts down like a car plant, I know I can still move to California. Obviously, there are reasons beyond my knowing why my 6 month detour in Ohio has lasted seven years. I can't think of my life without some of the great people I've met here. I've had most of my career here and I've had and have amazing opportunities to learn. Also, my church home. I couldn't say in words how my church home has changed my life. I wouldn't been the person I am today without the great teachings and support system I've gained from my church home. The snow could go somewhere else though.

It's Ok if God's plan doesn't make sense. It's also Okay if you're first thought is to rebel against. I've met people that told me that God told them to quit jobs or ministries and at the time, it made no sense to them. But they did it anyway. I could have told my former employer no when they wanted me to come to Ohio, but I was so young and yearning for experience the thought never cross my mind. Although Ohio is a state away from PA, I knew nothing about it until I moved here. I knew the names of the sports teams, Drew Carey, and of course, WKRP in Cincinnati (loved that show and still know the theme song - singing it right now actually).

I'm not saying you can't have plans and make goals, but please know that the way that you get to from point A to point B God's going to have a hand in it. You may get to live out your dreams and I hope you do, but the way you get there may not be how you expect. I encourage you to pray about your plans and dreams and ask God for his counsel on how you can get there. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm kind of having a hard time with life right now and what God wants from me. I hit a deer with my car yesterday and I'm still a little shaken by it. I don't want to drive and I have to drive to work tomorrow. I'm still asking God why I live in city without a reliable public transportation system. I miss not having to drive. I miss walking. I feel really unhealthy living here because I don't have the luxury. I have to get in a car for everything that I need and that's crazy to me. Thanks for reading and praying. Please give me your thoughts on the scripture and share where you thought you'd live as a child and what you wanted to be when you grew up.


  1. OMG forget the scripture, praise God you are still alive. Most people do not survive a collision with a deer. Wow!
    But to your scripture, I've been learning that when you put God first, He will give you your wants and needs. It may not be the way you would like to get it but it will come with a specific purpose and on time.
    Cali was one of the places I wanted to live when I was younger because of the sunshine and being a Magic Johnson/Lakers/49ers fan. I also like Ricky Henderson who played with the Oakland A's at the time. So yeah, I was all about Cali... as a close 2nd to my dream spot: Hawaii. Cali is tight tho'. From my five-day experience, it was great! Everything I thought it would be. It lived up to most of the hype!
    When I was younger, I wanted to be an inventor. But I operated more as a mad scientist/stuntman/resident curious george, lol. Always into something, always wanting to learn about something. Very wild imagination!

  2. There have been specific instances where I prayed about God's wisdom in pursuing certain desires. Afterwards, the desires of my heart were changed so that I no-longer wanted those things.

  3. Hey,again, Jennie! Thanks for the post. I have to tell you that I don't recall ever wanting to live in California, but I got to leave there for over a year. It was great. I also had a bunch of naysayers tell me that it was going to fall in the ocean while I was leaving there. I leaved in San Diego, and it has great mass transportation system and awesome beaches.

    I believe "breath prayers". If God knows are thoughts from afar,then He must them up close. Breath prayers are those things you say or think just to yourself and God. For example, I remember once saying that I would really love having a job where I could give out information. He opened a door a few years later to have that job, and the breath prayer came to mind. I remember being so taking back about Him being so concerned about us and He loves to be that close to us. Another example is when I was in college I was watching the half-time show Michael Jackson did during the Super Bowl, I remember saying Lord I would love to be in a half time show. A few years later in 1998, I got to be an audience leader in the half-time show. Then as God always does He brought it back to memory. I share this with you, because we have dreams and desires, but God is the one that brings them into fruition. Have a blessed night!

  4. Sorry about the leaves. I meant live. I thought that looked funny when I was typing it.

  5. I used to dream my life would be filled with travel, stylish clothing,eating great food - home cooked or out - and being in the moment loving life.
    I still have days when I faintly wonder what I would be doing right at tis moment. usually those thoughts are when I'm sitting in traffic driving home from work.
    Then I open my door and continue on with my life as-is. Most days I'm certain the life I'm living is ALL God's hands. God's plan for my life. .... but I do wonder about the dream sometimes, just sometimes .....
