Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lack of Sleep Diaries

When you've had less than four hours of sleep, you shouldn't be able to do the following things:
  • Drive a car
  • Teach six hours of soft skills training classes
  • Spend an evening with a very important person
  • Wake your mother up at 7 a.m. just to tell her about your evening with a very important person
  • Write pages and pages of training materials
  • Edit training materials
  • Prepare important Excel reports
  • Shop - for anything!
  • Attempt to do more to your hair than a simple ponytail
This week I did all of those things. With the exception of the my hair, I did it all surprisingly well. This week I was missing sleep like my niece misses her binky and felt like the craziest person alive.

In hindsight, I could have gone to bed earlier most of those nights. The one night I attempted to go to bed early my upstairs neighbor was cussing someone out throughout the night. He said the F-bomb so many times I thought George Carlin was still alive. As a result, that night I didn't fall asleep into peaceful sleep until 3ish.

In order to stay awake, I drank plenty of work supplied coffee, listened to lots of Fall Out Boys and Britney, listened to endless TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, and Pastor Vernon sermons on You Tube, and prayed every day that God would give me the strength and energy I needed. I learned a lot this week from the sermons about dreams, having a vision, using the time I have wisely, and about the people that you need to hang around. However, I still haven't figured out what Britney is saying in 3.

This week did bring several joys. My training classes went well and I actually remember what I said in them. Biggest highlight - I had the best night of my life this week when I hung out with the important person. I made a new friend and I'll soon begin working in a new ministry so double blessing.

Today, I was able to make up for my lack of sleep throughout the week. I followed the words of Mark 6:31 - Let's go off by yourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile. I watched a marathon of Grey's Anatomy episodes from Season Five. I cried at least four times while watching them. But it felt good to have the quiet time and rest. I'm praying that the Lack of Sleep Diaries is over at least until after the holiday. I'm going to go back to resting now. Have a good evening and thanks for reading.


  1. The George Carlin line is funny! Kudos for that! You mind if I borrow it, I'll give you credit lol! When you do not get required sleep and you're still functioning, it's all God! I should know with all my late night commenting and other random stuff I do at night and then get up early for work. I fell off the workout wagon earlier this fall and need to get back on it because that usually helps me go to sleep at a decent time. Otherwise, I'm up all night! And whatever you have brewin', hope it turns out well. peace and God bless

  2. Thanks for the work out tip. I haven't been consistent with workouts lately. I'm sure that did help. You can use George Carlin. I only said George Carlin because my upstairs neighbor is white. I would have said Richard Pryor otherwise. Thanks for reading. Have a good Thanksgiving if I don't get to talk to you.
