Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Know It's Not Just Me Wednesday - Wonderfully Complex

This week I would like to focus on a possibly familiar scripture. Thanks to various versions of the bible, a new way of stating this particular scripture. The scripture for this week is Psalm 139:14, which normally states, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

My bible, which is the One Year Bible - New Living Translation, has a cooler version of that scripture.
Psalm 139:14 (remix) - Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.

Readers, I am happy to read and confirm that God made me wonderfully complex! I feel 'wonderfully complex' most of the time. I feel misunderstood about 70% of the time by others. I could be misunderstood because of something I say, my facial expression, actions, and even my ability/inability to comprehend certain things. I realized how complex I was when I went to college and there are two thing that stick out to me in regards to being complex. One, joining a gospel choir in my second year and feeling at least for the first year that I had nothing in common with any of them. At the time, I didn't listen to much gospel music and my church at home was pretty conservative, so I didn't praise God like them and didn't have the music knowledge they did. All I knew was I loved to sing and the gospel choir sounded like a good group to join, but that first year was rough. Everyone was nice, but there was an inability for me to understand them and their inability to understand me. Thankfully, after the first year, I learned to get along with the other members and realized they were just as nutty and complex in their own ways as I am. The second occurence or occurences of complexity were in my English courses. I minored in English because I loved reading and writing. In my courses, I always felt different from others based on how I read the chosen books. I never quite agreed with the others who saw things as black and white. Instead, I saw all of the colors of the rainbow and one of those big Crayola boxes when I read! I could go on and on mentioning other examples from my life that make me feel different and complex, but I'm sure you get the point.

When I first joined my current church home, I thought that I would only feel 'wonderfully complex' until I met people and got acclimated into the culture. Well, I was wrong. Although I'm involved in church activities and I've built relationships there, I still feel as complex to others as I always have. However, I'm learning that this is a good thing and that way that God designed it. Everyone is supposed to be different and 'wonderfully complex' in their own way. If we all had everything in common and talked the same way and walked the same way, it would make for a boring existence and God is in no way boring - at least the people he used in the bible aren't. It's all about being comfortable in your own skin and with your own complex ways.

I'm reading through the bible with a friend of mine and we have discussions on what we've learned. My friend usually has this articulate and wonderful way of describing a story or situation and the key lessons he received from it. I, on the other hand, use pop culture and other analogies to describe what I learn. Like the other day, I compared this one man in Jeremiah (forgot his name) to a serial killer because of how the bible describes he basically went on a random killing spree after killing one key person.

It's little things like that make me wonderfully complex. Just think - what if I had called this blog 'Christian Woman's Journey to God' or something deep like that? Yeah, it would have stated the reason and focus of my writing, but Christian Cleavage is much more interesting. Think of ways that you are wonderfully complex from other people. For close friends of mine reading this site, I can tell you a few things that make you complex.


  1. LOL. When I sneeze, I think of the Japanese myth about a random, out-of-place sneeze means someone is talking about you. When I get that, I wonder what are people saying/thinking about me? I've always known I was cut from a different cloth with my dad being a pastor, no pun intended.
    Believe it or not, I used to and in some ways still just want to blend in but I have been growing into being in the spotlight. I'm constantly learning to accept and be comfortable with my seemingly infinite complexities lol. I know the Lord has plans; exactly what, I do not know yet but I'm trying to be open to them.
    I'm a little curious as to what you feel make me complex. Good post! God Bless!

  2. I can't think of ways I'm complex, but this morning I was reminded of how unique I really am. How I think, speak, carry myself, view people and the world are just not like anyone else. Today I felt tired of that complexity. Tired that I can't just fit in and be in a way that makes life uncomplicated. As I write this, I think about the movie When Harry Met Sally. The first time Sally orders a meal at the diner. Why can't I just eat the dang sandwich of life! You know.
    Oops, I guess I haven't come to terms with my complexity yet .... never mind. I'll read the blog again.
    Kisses to you.

  3. Jennie, complexity is the spice of life. If this were not true, then we would technically end up in the same place. Move a little to the left or right, and you allow the greatness of God to deviate your path. Think of it this way, as sinners without Salvation through Jesus, there is no get out of hell, don't pass go, or remission of sin. Did you see it? God deviate for us. He sent His Son Jesus to give us the greatest gift: Salvation. Now the Bible says to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. More complexity to maturity in Jesus. So know that you are truly not alone in your complexity. God bless you dear friend for your thoughtful words and future writing endeavors. Future Pultizer Prizer Winner!
