Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy One Month Anniversary, Christian Cleavage!

Hi everyone! Today, Christian Cleavage turns one-month old! Don't worry. I'm not going to be like a mother who tells people her baby is 17 weeks old or 28 weeks old and so on. I will refer to my blog in months thank you very much!

I am very grateful for everyone who has read my blog. The words of encouragement have been amazing and I am just blessed that God has used me in this way. As I told a number of people and also mentioned in a posting, I was tired of telling people I loved to write and not doing it. I decided to make my own writing career with this blog.

This blog is a great way for me to share my Christian walk with you. The good days. The terrible days. The interesting scriptures and how I interpret them. Never on this site do I say that I am a Subject Matter Expert. Nor am I studying to be in a higher ministry position. The only thing I am a Subject Matter Expert on is myself and how I interpret God's word. So please, question me. Read the bible and verify the scriptures I quote for yourself. If you must, disagree with me. BRING IT ON.

Today, I find myself having to follow my own advice. I found out I wasn't a finalist in the Writer's Digest Annual Contest. I'm disappointed in the news. I've tried to tell myself that almost 15,000 people submitted something and not everyone is going to win. But it still hurts. Now, I have to move on and dream a new dream. I have to give my heart something else to do (post 10-05-09). Writer's Digest has another fiction writing contest with a December 1st deadline. Now, my heart and laptop have something to do for the next month. Along with writing this blog and 8-5 job, my fingers and wrists are going to be very worn out. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Thanks again readers for taking this journey with me. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 - We (I) always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly.


  1. I know this may sound old school and corny but when I face adversity I reflect on "if at first you do not succeed, try, try again." and I also think about Donnie McClurkin's "We fall down" song, one of my favs 'cause it reps some of my struggles and triumphs.
    Keep it up as long as your heart is in it!

  2. It's hard out there for a writer. I'm proud of you for sticking with it!

  3. Jennie, I understand the disappoint about the contest. I entered Sony lyric contest back in 1999. Needless to say, I did not win. Disappointment is just an appointment that we take on our journey to God's destiny for us. Nearly every person of significance in the Bible experienced some disappointment, but those appointments led to greatness. Remember we were created in Christ Jesus for good works,so that we may walk in (journey to) them. Be encourage dear friend. God has many wonderful things for you!

  4. Happy Belated ANNIVERSARY!!! many, many more to come.
