Friday, October 9, 2009

A Full Heart (And Apparently a Full Schedule)

Greetings all! I hope everyone had a great week and got a lot of things accomplished. I had several things on my plate this week and the week is not over yet, so I didn't get the writing time that I wanted. I pray everyday that this blog is not fade for me and that I stick with it this season. It feels good when people ask me if I wrote something new lately and I can direct them toward this blog. Although I haven't made any comments myself, I want to thank everyone who has visited this site, became a Follower, and left a comment. I've read all them at least 10 times and I am praying for all of you. Please keep me accountable for filling this site with words that I get from God.

Today, I have a heart full of excitement and joy because I get to see my family this weekend. It is rare we are all in the same room, so it will be a treat. I pray for save travels, my niece to healing from her ear infections, and no drama-filledness! I want unity in the community, so God, please provide an environment where that occurs. I can't wait to see them.

I focused a lot on the heart this week, not just on this blog, but in my own life. It is important to take the time to examine your heart and find out what's in it and what should be in it. If you spring clean your home, you should do a spring(or fall) cleaning for your heart. I realized that there a few things that need to leave my heart and that I need to make more room for some of the things in it. I challenge all of you to take a heart inventory and pray about how to handle the findings. Take care and God bless!


  1. It seems that the heart was your theme last week. I know that I am having some heart struggles right. As the Bible says, " Out of the heart springs the issues of life." That is so true. I am personally praying for heart rest for me. As I appear to be walking into some very scary situations. I hope you had a great week.

  2. Yes, let's definitely go to lunch some day. It'll be good to get away from my laptop. I haven't been to PF Chang's yet. I don't know if they're open for lunch, though.

    Are you on Facebook, I've gotta check and I can get your cell phone number to text you.

  3. "unity in the community" lol, i haven't heard you say that in a while but I know it's part of your vernacular lol.
    On to the heart of the matter, this blog makes me think of your e-mail tag. "Get rid of anything that is not beautiful, useful, or joyful" Eliminating those things from your heart will definitely help.
    As for your schedule/time to write: just let it flow, don't feel pressured to have to write if you do not have anything; however, do not let yourself be bottled up for too long. work those literary muscles like you know how to do so you can bleed the pen at will. Hmmm, I have an idea...!!!
