Tuesday, December 10, 2013

When You're Just Trying To Be...

This year has been a little nuts for me...in good and bad ways.  In the constant search of determining who you are and who you are meant to be, one day you wake up and realize - this is me!  This is who I am.
The day that you can introduce yourself to yourself can be an emotional day.  It's emotional day because you are going to see parts of you that you hate and resent and regret.  However, you will also see someone beautiful.  Smart.  Sexy.  Appealing. Honest. Perfectly imperfect. You will be naked in front of yourself without taking anything off except the smile, anger, frustration. and confidence that you show others.  When you have that naked moment, don't be too quick to get back dressed.  Look at yourself for a while in that moment and take it in.  Because you will have to face, defend, protest, and be whoever you see.

I LOOOONNNGGG to be myself and to be 100% accepted for that person.  Newsflash, Jenn, you won't be.  No one will ever fully accept you only because you will never fully accept yourself.  There will always be things you want to tweak and change and if you're foolish enough to listen to others, you may try to change everything about your DNA.  I wouldn't suggest changing for others.  Depending on what day you catch me, I may not suggest changing for yourself.  Sometimes, it's okay to ride out the person you are and who you're becoming without thought or doubt.

Be honest with yourself first and then let other people in on the inside joke that is you when you see fit.

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