Monday, September 28, 2009

Safe Environments

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about how important it is as a Christian to keep yourself in safe environments. What do I mean by safe? In my mind, safe environments refer to places where you are not tempted to behave like the person you used to be before you met Christ.

One scripture that I feel relates to this topic is Isaiah 8:11, 'The Lord gives me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does.' It can be hard not to thing like others, especially in a place like your work environment where everyone is in agreement on something and because of the principles you follow in your own life you don't agree. For example, last year I went to party at my old boss's house. Everyone was drinking and I wasn't. One of my co-workers said, 'oh, that's right. Jennie doesn't drink.' The way she said it embarrassed me and upset me a little. Not wanting to start drama, I giggled a little at comment and then continued to drink my ginger ale. Being around my family it's the same thing. In my mind, drinking is not good for me, so I think they feel I judge them for drinking. I don't really. I just know what I can and can't handle.

Based on my past, I know what environments are not safe for me. I shouldn't be at clubs or bars or hanging out alone late at night with men. Is it easy to not go to these environments? Not always. Some nights I would like to go to clubs and bars and in fact, this year I went to bar to watch the UFC fights with a friend. The only thing that saved me in that environment was that the fight was showing in a big private room in the back where I didn't have to be affected by the actual club environment. The room was full of people just there to see the fight and I didn't feel pressured to do anything bad. In fact, I had two Sherry Temples that night and had a great time. I also miss the company of a man sometimes, even if I have no business with that man. Some of this just relates to the comfort in what is familiar. Joyce Meyers once talked about how to the right thing to do initially feels wrong, but you have to keep doing it until it feels right.

One way to ensure you will keep yourself in safe environments is to be around safe people. I could spend several blog entries explore this topic, but I'll keep it short for now. You have to be honest with your safe network of friends and family. If people know what experiences you come from, they will be least likely to take you to places that have nothing to do with your calling. I'm not saying tell them every little detail, but just enough where they know you are NOT the friend to take to the club. If you really want that person to be in your life, then tell them where you will go with them. For example, I told a friend once that I would like to go to breakfast/lunch/dinner, the mall, Barnes and Noble (my real home), and a few other places, but I won't be your 'club girlfriend'.

Taking yourself out of unsafe environments takes what I like to call Christian Guts. It's not easy to have guts enough to stand up for God and yourself. I know one time last year I failed at this and was in an unsafe environment were I didn't behave well. Although I've prayed and asked forgiveness, it still haunts me to this day because I know I will be tested again and need all the strength of God not to go back to that behavior. I encourage you to think about the unsafe environments in your life and pray about what direction you should take in regards to finding safe environments. Take care and God bless.


  1. Thank you for the thought provoking post. I am going to let it marinade.

  2. I think what you said is key. Knowing what you can and can't handle.
    Knowing and accepting your limitations.
    That's funny, a couple Sundays ago at a church my dad assoc. pastors in the Yo, the lead pastor talked about having boundaries. Of course, he started with Adam and Eve and why God told them to not eat from the tree of Good and Evil.
    I cannot front, I get a little too comfortable sometimes when I should be vigilant and other times I am just in a fog in more ways than one lol. However, I always pray that the Lord protects me from temptation and enemies that I see and do not see. If I haven't crossed my boundary, the Lord definitely blesses me and it's clear when I reflect on the experience. He blesses me at times when I do cross but it's a less painful lesson when I do not test his saving grace lol.

  3. I am sooooooooo glad i read this today ! I am going through THE EXACT SAME THING RIGHT NOW. I had to reconncect with God and have been doing it for the last few months and yesterday at church stood at the alter and gave it all to Christ.

    I still love my friends and hang around with them but we were talking at the superbowl party last night and I was explaining to them that I dont drink anymore, dont go to clubs/bars anymore. We can go to the comedy club, an eatery , restraunts ,plays, shows , sporting events and stuff. They pretty much understood cause we all pretty much stopped going clubbing anyway. The last few times i went to clubs in October and November in 2009 , I was like....ehh... this is boring to me and plus there is way too much drama.

    The big thing now with my friends is to have game night or movie night and everyone bring a dish or something. These actually are more fun
    and exciting and the time FLIES BY ! We'll start at 8 or 9m and next thing we know its 4AM ! And nobody is going home with a stranger, nobody is fighting, we dont have to worry about DUI stops from the police, we usually have food/refreshments , we laugh uncontrollably all night, everyone is friendly, there is no drama - just having fun !
