Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Ok to be Tired...

I believe it's OK to be tired. Mostly because today I am tired. I didn't go to bed by 10 p.m. like I promised myself (thanks to the Season Premier of Grey's Anatomy being a two hour special). So today I am tired. By the end of the day at work, I had the energy of a crack head, but only after having the energy of a turtle for the first few hours this morning. The crack head energy crashed and burned as soon as I sat back in my car to drive home. This tired spell got me thinking about more than just sleepy-tired. On my way home from work, I began to think of actually things I'm tired of.
1. I'm tired of people that don't use turning signals.
2. I'm tired of going into air conditioned buildings and freezing my butt when summer is officially over.
3. I'm tired of people that over spray their perfume/cologne.
4. I'm tired of the construction on Route 8.
5. I'm tired of everything costing so much at stores. What happened to giveaways and contests?

With the exception of #4, I can't do much about the things on this list so let me focus on what I can control. What are things within myself that I am tired of? The biggest thing I got sick of hearing myself say was I like to write when really I barely wrote except for documents on my job. To excuse my writing, I would operate under the 'I need to be inspired' rule. The rule is good in principle, but you should be able to write about anything and even if it is just a couple of sentences per day. I wasn't even doing that. I took my 'tired of thinking I was a writer' and turned it into this blog. Back to my original point, it's Ok to be tired, but eventually you have to do something about it. If you are sleepy-tired, then your solution should be to rest. If you can't get to work on time because of construction, then leave earlier and find another route. If you think you have slightest talent as a writer, artist, teacher, designer, leader, etc., then become that person. Even if it is just within the privacy of your own home on a free blog site and amongst your friends, do it.
This blog has been the highlight of my week. I felt like I let my readers down by waiting this long today to write something. I did realize today there may be times when I write something that is not Pulitzer Prize quality or even 8th grade essay writing contest quality and that's OK. When I got home, I was tired of not having anything written today on the blog. And what did I do? I wrote about being tired. Folks, it's that simple. Use every elements around you and everything that you are for God and his assignment for you. If God can take the most exhausted person in Northeast Ohio and turn them into a writer, he can use you in your current condition and make you into the person you want to be. Well, all this writing about being tired has made me want to lay my tired butt down. Have a good and safe evening. Thanks for reading.


  1. Hey, Jennie!

    I understand the tiredness. I thought about it today, and thought this why am I still in Ohio. I actually felt the creeping tiredness of familiarity. UgHHH! So maybe tonight I will ask God to renew my spirit. Sometimes just a refreshing of the vision is all we need to rejuvenate us. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for your wonderful sharing this week!

  2. This message is tired and I'm tired of reading about you being tired. If I don't fall asleep before I submit this comment I may check out the next blog ... lol. Man, why did you have to write this? Now I cannot use the tired "I'm too tired to write at the end of the day" excuse anymore, lol. Once again, preaching to the choir. Thumbs up!

  3. I liked your message at the end,
    "If God can take the most exhausted person in Northeast Ohio and turn them into a writer, he can use you in your current condition and make you into the person you want to be."
