Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dirty 30 - Honorable Mentions

Thanks to everyone who read my last post about my journey through 30! When I'm writing a blog post, I'm so excited to hit "Publiish Post" that sometimes I forget big chunks of what I want to saw. The thing I listed last week where probably the most impactful thoughts/events so far, but I've compiled a list of honorable mentions. I try not to play the blame game in other areas of my life, but I'm enjoying this. So here are more things that I blame on turning 30:
  • The movies I tend to see or want to see at the movie theater are movies that will most likely be nominated for a Golden Globe or Oscar vs my former playlist of movies that typically play repeatedly on FX or Comedy Central.
  • I do not understand the meaning of Michael Jackson's Wanna Be Startin Something. Between his baby having a breakdown and crying, stealing, and lying, I just don't get it. That's not to say I don't shake it a little when it comes on my I-Pod. And I really don't get calling someone a vegetable. My fav line at the end is "if you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby." I didn't realize Michael was a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, but you learn something new everyday, accept the meaning of this song.
  • The desire to now only have one child versus three or four like I used to.
  • The sad reality that I can't eat like a 15 year old anymore. Even with working out two-three days a week, I can't get rid of the pouch in my stomach. This is same pouch that comes when I get my period, only my period doesn't come in 30 day increments so yes, it's officially all me!
  • I officially have back fat as well.
  • Noticing a gray hair the week after I turned 30.
  • Being carded at World Market the week of Christmas. Ok, not blaming anything but good genes on that one!
  • Wanting to give all of my nieces a dollar for Christmas and telling them to spend it wisely.
  • Being annoyed by my new touchscreen cell phone. First of all, my touchscreen doesn't like my touch. I've only had luck with pencil erasers. I did not mind having a thousand real buttons on my cell phone. At least I knew they work and liked my touch.
  • My patience is getting better when people ask me questions at work. I think is because my memory is starting to suck so I have no choice but to listen more carefully to every request and read every line of an email.
  • Audio books and NPR have become my best friend (in life and in my car).
  • I realize that I never want to stop having the inquisitive mind of a little sister.
  • My desire to study meditation. WHICH IS EXPENSIVE BY THE WAY!! One meditation package (which I don't remember how many classes it came with) was $400. Another was $275. The cheapest package I found in my area was $65. Not to be a meditation snob, why only $65? Especially since I know what they could be charging. Anyway, this desire won't go away. I got a DVD from the library that had guided meditiation on it. The first time I tried it I almost fell asleep. The second time I couldn't get comfor3table. I was way too aware of my body. Therefore, I think like other things in life, I think if I pay for it I will have no choice to pay attention and try harded. I just want peace really. Peace with my life and my decisions and with who I am.

The final thing is wanting something in my life to change. Something big. I want a blessing that only God could provide. I know as Christians we pray something similar almost everyday, but really, God, I'm 30 and I need you to show up. He knows my true life and career desires. Please make a way. Thanks for reading and have a good one.


  1. GREAT BLOG! Booo on the one child thing. Your touchscreen will be trained. It took mine a while. Audio books and NPR....snnnnoooooozzzz. Oh, and Back Fat is sexy!

  2. Gray hairs? Meditation? Back fat? What is going on?!?! Haha, I know I've been out the loop but I see you are really trying to change huh lol? NPR is slick! They have so many stories and topics to read and listen to but you know I'm mainly there to listen to music. My main beef with them is why does hip-hop and r&b have to be combined. They might as well just title it "Urban". Why can't r&b and hip-hop have their own category?
