Monday, April 26, 2010

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda, and Did...

A long time I read somewhere 'you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the things that you did.' This is a good saying for most good things and also some hard things that you have to face. I can think of a few things that I didn't get a chance to do that I regret, such as:
  • Not going on the 6th grade trip to Canada.
  • Singing in the high school choir.
  • When asked by my last job what markets (states) I would like to live in, not picking California or Texas first.
  • Going to grad school right after college.
  • Not writing for my college newspaper until my senior year.
  • Not working on my book this year although I put it as a goal in a January blog post.
  • Studying overseas in college.
But what about those things that you did that you never thought you would regret that you do? How does that affect you? Or better yet, how do you make it not affect you? Recently, I kept a promise to someone close to me. Although the situation seemed like a good one and fruitful one to anyone else, I was sad. I was sad because of my lack of emotional and physical involvement I ended up having in this person's life and the fact that the warm moments I dreamt of having one day didn't occur. So now I'm left wondering should I regret keeping my word and being a good person for the important person in my life? My first answer (and maybe it's the Christian one) is no, I should be happy I was there for them and that they are happy. But as a human (yes, I am one and not a Johnny 5 for those who don't know me), I kind of do regret being there for them. I didn't have to travel to get my feelings hurt. I truly believe that even before Tyler Perry said it, that I CAN do bad by myself. But then again, how fun is that?
Right now, I am trying to have peace with my decisions and the hurt feelings that remain. I want to move past this because I know from past experience when I hold onto anger, it only hurts me and the other person is living their life like it's golden. And frankly, I've got things to do and a life to live so this needs to pass. Today, I found a scripture that I know will help me get over this.
Psalm 34:14 - Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace and work to maintain it.
This scripture is interesting because it truly is a homework assignment. It doesn't tell you where to search for peace or even how, so I guess that will be the fun part! Finding peace is going to be my homework assignment for this week for this situation and other things that have been on my mind this year. I am also going to build my Sunday School class around this scripture and will probably post the findings upon completion. I have found peace in the past about past decisions, regrets, friends and family issues, my career, and of course, love life or lack thereof. I pray for peace right now because there are so many things that I need accomplish and not having peace will postpone those things. I love you, readers and I will write again soon. Your homework is to leave a comment on how you have found peace or if you are on a peace finding journey how is it going.


  1. Great post! I always find a lot of peace in writing, especially lately. I really love writing something that I know someone will read, and tailoring it to a particular person (I write a lot of letters) or group of people (like LOST fans with the fan songs I've been writing). It would be nice if I could make a little more money with my writing, but as long as I know somebody's reading and getting something out of it, I'm happy. I'm sure you can relate!

  2. Wow! Very interesting! Personal and deep! And I can still relate!
    In some things I have found peace, such as the passing of loved ones. But overall, I'm still on a journey of finding peace. As weird as it may seem, I have issues with being patient and it has been exposed the past few years. I think in a way, all my worldly experience and good intentions are being used against me and I'm not being simple and just letting/giving God control (of) my life. I know once I do, the ship will be righted. I have to find a way to be at peace with God's timing and to not get ... removed from my faith when things do not work out how I envision them.
    Thanks for adding my link. That got me a little pumped! ;-)

  3. What stood out on this post was your statement on finding peace. My pastor's sermon this Sunday was titled "I'm Alright" Isaiah 26:3. He essentially talked about how we must find peace with God and therefore will achieve with peace with ourselves. I'm on that mission every day.
