Monday, January 4, 2010

Unfinished Business

After getting my graduate degree in Couch Potato over the past four days, today I have to face the world and go back to work. Everyone around me is in the process or just completed writing out goals for themselves for 2010. I think goals are a great idea. After all, you can't always do what you've always done. But I really don't want to write my goals or resolutions because I know my life is different. Instead of having goals, what I have in my life are things I call unfinished business.

You see over the past few years I've set a goal for myself or by the grace of God, discovered some new thing or talent I have and just hopped on that temporarily. So in my case, I have a pile of projects I've started and haven't quite made it to the mountaintop on. So I have unfinished business. Some of these things have to do with my character. Some of them have to do with my talent. Some of them have to do with fattening my pocket. All of them, however, have to do with me getting out of my comfort zone (which I didn't think I had) and do something more with my life.

My list of unfinished business may seem long, but if I truly give myself 12 months to complete them, it won't seem that bad. In fact, if you're trying to focus on more than 10 goals (or unfinished businesses), then, in the words of my friend Gwen, you're doing a lot. Actually, if you split them up by quarter, that may help if you have a lot you want to accomplish.


  • No more swearing! I mean it this year! I want a clean mouth to go along with my cleaner heart. There is another way to say things that will still bring my empathesis and point home. I just have to find it!
  • Making more time for friends and family by more trips to Pittsburgh and other locations to see people I need to reconnect with
  • Be more honest. 2009 was a big year for me because I began to speak up for myself more at work and other areas. There are a few times I didn't and I can see the difference in how other people began to treat me and how I treated myself . I pray 2010 I can take that to the next level and tell people with candor when I'm bothered or upset by their words and actions.
  • Remembering God is watching EVERYTHING that I do
Talent/Making the pockets more fat:

  • Writing, Writing, Writing!
  • Finishing the book - caring so much about what happens to Alyssa (the main character) that I eat, sleep, and breathe her this year. In fact, I may get a t-shirt printed with the name, Alyssa, on it.
  • Blogging more often
  • Making money off of this blog (pockets fattening)
  • Look for freelance / writing contest opportunities
  • Pimp my songs to whoever will listen to them - you never know who people know

One category that is more of a wish list than a goal is my love life. I have some unfinished business there. Mostly, I would like to open a love life business for myself. Last year, I fell into old patterns in regards to love. Things I promised I'd never go for or go through again. Although there was fun and good times and my heart never felt so alive, for reasons I can't go into, it wasn't the genuine article and because of the lack of a real relationship, I wasn't able to fall in love like I would have liked. It hit me last month that I have never been in love with someone who worshipped me. Someone who was just so grateful to be in my presence that they were willing to do anything to stay there. No, I'm not aiming for a Jesus complex. Just the love that I desire and also the love I desire to give someone else (minus the shrine and a cross with their face on it). I know I am able to give unconditional love to a man. I just need to continue with my patience and be willing to receive it.

Well, those are my unfinished business areas. I may add more things to this blog post during the year. I will write these things in more specifics outside of this blog. Because you need to have tasks to go along with your goals. The 'how' of how you will achieve these things. I look forward to learning what you are working on in 2010, so please drop me a line in the Comments. Take care!


  1. Yeah, I just wrote down my goals and already finished one today -- got that business checking account open!

    On to the rest...

  2. interesting perspective...
    well, goal-wise, my main one is to get more organized, i bought one of those big office calendars and i'm trying to get myself in the habit of writing down priorities, events, just writing down stuff period! keep myself on track!
    spiritual/character: i really need to start back at square one
    money-wise: it's sad when i'm working two jobs and thinking about getting a 3rd and a 4th, yeah, i'll be praying that our writing and other projects benefit us in 2010 and beyond lol!

  3. Nicely done.......

    Im in the same boat. Im acheiving some goals or unfinished business this year in 2010 ! My goals were to have a cleaner heart, stop searing. I think i only cussed once this whole month and considering where I work and who I work with that is a miracle that only GOD could provide.... LOL Another was to re-establish my connection, faith and trust in God ( and he has delivered BIG TIME !!!!!!!!!!! )

    Keep writing Jennie , reading your blog is inspiring me and keeping me encouraged !
