Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seven Year Itch

I occurred to me the other day that this month marks my seventh year of living in Akron, OH. Wow! Seven years! Tomorrow is my fifth anniversary with my current company. Wow! Five years! I can't believe I've worked at the same place for five years. Thankfully, I've switched positions twice so I am not doing the same exact work, although some of my projects I've had for a few years too long. I just knew I was going to be one of those switch companies every two years people. I was only at my first real job for two years and I've actually had two position at my current company. And I switched positions after - you guessed it - almost two and a half years. So I guess I'm on track, but going to the same building everyday for this long is a bit of drag even though I like the work that I do and the people I work with. We all have a respect for one another and we laugh a lot which is important to me. I also get to use my signature strength, as it is referred to in the book Hard Optimism. My signature strength is public speaking and I get to do that on an almost weekly basis.

But back to living in Akron for seven years now. If you've never seen the movie or heard of the seven year itch concept, it refer to people who after seven years start to re-evaluate their relationship. If you're married for seven years, for example, you might begin to think about infidelity or just leaving your spouse for the possibility of something better. Nowadays, it seems like in regards to marriage it's more like a three-five year itch! Well, for the past few months, I have had the seven year itch for this city and also my life in it. I wake up at least two mornings per week and ask myself, "what in the hell are we still doing here?" I talked with someone today who plans to move to New Zealand in two years - and their not a New Zealander (if that's the term). I also have a friend who is planning to move down south and working with a head hunter to get employment there. Why don't I set goals for myself like that? Is it lack of motivation or simply I'm not sure where I want to go. I don't want to live in the cities with my family (not because of them - I just don't like the cities). But then I will be the first to say, "I have no family here and that sucks."

So I'm not sure where I belong. I have no clue. All I know is that I've been living the same life here for at least the past three years and some parts of it are not working for me. I love my church and my ministry involvements. Today, I had a Leadership Meeting in the morning and I went bowling with one of my ministries this afternoon. But now what I am doing? I just got home from the Blockbuster and now I'm writing for the next ten or so minutes and then making dinner, watching my movie, and then probably falling asleep on the couch. And sadly, this has been my Saturday or Friday night life for the past few years. If not a movie, maybe a good book. Wow, it's really sad when I type it. SO there - and I can do this anywhere.

It's just lame. And before you suggest it, I don't like want the club or bar life again...maybe just one-two times a year but not as a constant thing! And I do have some nights with my girls, but they are few and far between. Some of my friends are coupled up now and I'm happy for them, but the girls night sometimes end up being the girl night starring me!

I don't know. I'm just restless. So I'm starting this year praying almost daily for God to do something extraordinary in my life. Two years ago I prayed a similar prayer and my life was truly changed for the better. But now, it's time to bump it up a notch and have more and do more. I know it will require a lot of movement on my part, so I have to be prepared for that.
I just do want to get comfortable when really have nothing warm and fluffy and well, truly comfortable to fall back on. So as much as I could rejoice over the fact that I love certain aspects of my life (like my church) and appreciate some of the things I've learned here (like how to drive safely and patiently in crazy Northeast Ohio weather, I need something else to happen to me this year. Anniversaries are usually good things and not to poop on the past seven years, but I think it's time for something different. Lord, please help me figure this out and if it's your will, I'll stay, but if you want me to move, please provide the way. Please keep me in your prayers and let me know what I can pray for for you. Thanks and have a good one!


  1. Yes, I know the feeling. Feels like I'm going through some of the same things -- not about moving, but just about what to write and where to focus next.

    When I moved to Akron from Chicago back in 1996, it was great. But by 2000, I was so sick of snow and ready to move. We moved out to California, but then the Holy Spirit led us back to Akron in 2002.

    Now I feel grounded here and want to stay. But who knows, perhaps God is getting you ready for a move.

    I'm praying for you -- and please pray for me, too, for both of us to hear Him right about the next move.

    I'm reading The Blessing Behind Closed Doors and it's interesting to see how shut doors can sometimes mean something much better is in store for us.

  2. I feel you! Thanks for posting this! For a long time I've felt like I was stuck here because of my past financial issues but now you have encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. Well, I might have to hit the snooze button once or twice before I'm ready to move out of my c.z. lol but seriously, you hit the needle on the head of what I've been feeling for a long while.
    Your girl Paula makes a good point at the end of her comment. I can testify to that!
    I'll also add and testify to using the Prayer of Jabez to increase my territory. It worked for me. I have no doubt it will work for you! Look it up or I can let you borrow the book if you want. Let me caution you tho', make sure you are ready for the change mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  3. I know how you are feeling Jennie ! Dont worry about , just Trust in God, keep the faith and keep being yourself ( a good honest woman ) !
