- The movies I tend to see or want to see at the movie theater are movies that will most likely be nominated for a Golden Globe or Oscar vs my former playlist of movies that typically play repeatedly on FX or Comedy Central.
- I do not understand the meaning of Michael Jackson's Wanna Be Startin Something. Between his baby having a breakdown and crying, stealing, and lying, I just don't get it. That's not to say I don't shake it a little when it comes on my I-Pod. And I really don't get calling someone a vegetable. My fav line at the end is "if you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby." I didn't realize Michael was a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, but you learn something new everyday, accept the meaning of this song.
- The desire to now only have one child versus three or four like I used to.
- The sad reality that I can't eat like a 15 year old anymore. Even with working out two-three days a week, I can't get rid of the pouch in my stomach. This is same pouch that comes when I get my period, only my period doesn't come in 30 day increments so yes, it's officially all me!
- I officially have back fat as well.
- Noticing a gray hair the week after I turned 30.
- Being carded at World Market the week of Christmas. Ok, not blaming anything but good genes on that one!
- Wanting to give all of my nieces a dollar for Christmas and telling them to spend it wisely.
- Being annoyed by my new touchscreen cell phone. First of all, my touchscreen doesn't like my touch. I've only had luck with pencil erasers. I did not mind having a thousand real buttons on my cell phone. At least I knew they work and liked my touch.
- My patience is getting better when people ask me questions at work. I think is because my memory is starting to suck so I have no choice but to listen more carefully to every request and read every line of an email.
- Audio books and NPR have become my best friend (in life and in my car).
- I realize that I never want to stop having the inquisitive mind of a little sister.
- My desire to study meditation. WHICH IS EXPENSIVE BY THE WAY!! One meditation package (which I don't remember how many classes it came with) was $400. Another was $275. The cheapest package I found in my area was $65. Not to be a meditation snob, why only $65? Especially since I know what they could be charging. Anyway, this desire won't go away. I got a DVD from the library that had guided meditiation on it. The first time I tried it I almost fell asleep. The second time I couldn't get comfor3table. I was way too aware of my body. Therefore, I think like other things in life, I think if I pay for it I will have no choice to pay attention and try harded. I just want peace really. Peace with my life and my decisions and with who I am.
The final thing is wanting something in my life to change. Something big. I want a blessing that only God could provide. I know as Christians we pray something similar almost everyday, but really, God, I'm 30 and I need you to show up. He knows my true life and career desires. Please make a way. Thanks for reading and have a good one.